Sunday, August 15, 2010

The A-Team

I recently asked folks on my Facebook page if they'd seen the A-Team (it was released in the US several weeks before its UK release) and what they thought of it. General consensus was that it was entertaining and when my friends and I headed to the cinema last night on a rainy, yucky Saturday night that's what we needed and hoped for.

I had my reservations, though, I won't lie. I was quite sure there were a few things that would distract me and annoy me and frankly I was writing my blog post in my head before the opening credits even came on. Well, color me surprised!  So surprised was I that this review is about the 3 things I was sure would annoy the crap out of me but that didn't:

1. Liam Neeson's American accent - Oh yes, Liam Neeson is an accomplished actor and despite the annoying "I am Darkman!" I recall every time he comes on the screen, I know he's very talented. But in 2008's Taken, I was driven to distraction by his appalling American accent (and bad hair). Playing Hannibal Smith, cigar-smoking, swaggering, genius planner and leader of the A-Team, I reckoned I'd laugh inappropriately during his lines. But actually, he was absolutely fine. I bought it, I bought him, hook, line and sinker. 

 "There is no plan B!"
2. Convoluted Plot for the Purposes of Blowing SH&T Up - Thankfully having seen the TV show, I knew the whole purpose of this franchise was to have fun while watching action. I'd expected to be rolling my eyes at each plot twist but actually the filmmakers didn't try that hard and I was glad. In fact, I'm not even sure you have to be able to follow the average plot of this film to enjoy it. It has something to do with counterfeiting, double crosses and being railroaded, they're all effective ways and reasons to create lots of action, escapes and daring plans. Worked for me.

 3. Jessica Beil as Anything other than Mary Camden in 7th Heaven - Maybe it's because I'm too influenced by Perez Hilton's disdain for her, or maybe it's because I've never been that impressed with her acting (though she was pretty good in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - 2003), but the girl did well in this. She's the uber-straight and principled army officer (with a history with  Faceman to boot) who is trying to nab the A-Team but I found her entirely watchable with real screen presence. Who knew?!

I love it when I'm surprised and I was surprised that none of the things that normally bug me were an issue with this film. All in all, I laughed, I said "woah" once or twice and I was really impressed with the final action sequence which takes place in the Port of Los Angeles. Hell, I'll even look forward to a sequel!

You can watch trailer HERE

I think...get a big tub of popcorn and let the A-Team take you for a ride. You'll be entertained!

1 comment:

  1. Love your reviews - interesting and funny! Entertainment Weekly should snap you up.
