Friday, June 4, 2010

Top 5 Best and Worst Presidents in Film & TV

Blame the DVD I watched last weekend. It inspired me.The US president was so cringe-worthy and so annoying it got me thinking about what other TV/film presidents have gotten on my nerves (and yes, the inspiration is listed below). I also started thinking of which ones I've really liked. Any number of factors could be the reasons, (the actor, role, dialogue etc):

Val's Top 5 Best Presidents in film/TV

1. President Laura Roslin, played by Mary McDonnell
BATTLESTAR GALLACTICA - I never would've thought "Stands With a Fist" could be so awesome as a world leader, and one with a terminal illness at that, but she is, she is!

2. Bill Mitchell, played by Kevin Kline
DAVE - Well technically he wasn't president, but then he sort of was. The first lady didn't know but then she did. In any case, he was endearing, thoughtful and frankly, adorable!

3. President Logan, played by Gregory Itzen
24 (SEASON 4) - Oh he was goooood because he was so baaaaad. He was crooked, yet loved his wife, yet still betrayed her and his country. Top villainous marks!

4. President James Marshall, played by Harrison Ford
AIR FORCE ONE - I just love a president who can single-handedly fight terrorists on a plane, without spin doctors or advisers.

5. President Andrew Shepherd, played by Michael Douglas
THE AMERICAN PRESIDENT - Up until the cringe-worthy speech at the end, I was won over by this president. He was humble, earnest and thoughtful (and yes, I do realize, also a tad unrealistic). 

Special mention: President Jim Dale, played by Jack Nicholson
MARS ATTACKS - It wasn't a starring role, but he was still great! He sure thought he could make peace with those aliens, didn't he? If I knew how to spell the noise the aliens make, I'd type it right now.

(These presidents simply should not have term limits)

Val's Top 5 Worst Presidents in film/TV

1. President David Palmer, played by Dennis Haysbert
24 (SEASON 1) - Arrgh! Hands down, the most annoying president I've ever watched, anywhere (apart from real life, of course)! So moralistic, superior, honest and totally one-note. Thankfully the first lady Sherri made up for some of it.

2. President Thomas Whitemore, played by Bill Pullman
INDEPENDENCE DAY - Love the actor, and actually love the film. But first of all, he seemed awfully young, don't you think? And he is also a Top Gun fighter pilot? How convenient. But mainly he's on this list because of such heinous, unintentionally LOL lines it. BTW, to see my rendition of his "Independence Day" speech, it's saved forever online, fast forward to the one minute mark for real drama. You can view it HERE.

3.President Thomas Wilson, played by Danny Glover
2012 - This film is the inspiration for this list. He just didn't work as president; he looked like an innocent deer in the headlights most of the movie. Wrong tone, wrong delivery and less than stellar lines made this one pretty bad president.

4. President No Name, played by Billy Bob Thornton
LOVE ACTUALLY - I checked online and this president didn't have a name. But really, would we actually elect such a sleezeball? Hmmm, we did get close to Jonathan Edwards now that I think about it...

5. President Allison Taylor, played by Cherry Jones
24 (SEASON 8) - Reason? Same as number one. She was totally lame-o.

(Cringe-worthy commanders and chiefs)

What do you think? Have I missed anyone you think deserving of being on the lists? 

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See you on Twitter! @whatvalthinks.


  1. I defintely fell in love with Michael Douglas in The American President. Both he and Annette Benning were adorable in that movie. Yes, he was unrealistic but hey its the movies. We can all dream! Tammy

  2. Ah, I forgot about Michael Douglas but many of us have a soft spot for Martin Sheen's portrayal in West Wing.

  3. @Smitten, thx for commenting! Yes I thought of Martin Sheen too, but he was 6th or 7th and not in my top 5. He was memorable in that.

  4. Hy there, verry good post i really enjoy reading it.

  5. *ahem*
    Morgan Freeman, President.
