Saturday, May 8, 2010

Hot Tub Time Machine

How different were the 80's in the UK compared to the states, I wonder? Because while my fellow (and British) audience members murmured their enjoyment throughout the film, I was laughing out loud noticeably more (or maybe louder...damn my American-Volume curse!) Maybe they didn't get the reference to Red Dawn? Anyway, after worrying just last week it wouldn't be available in my area to watch, I raced to the local movie theater tonight in anticipation of Hot Tub Time Machine!

Not a Delorean, a pill or magic spell
Old high school friends, now in their late 30's are rather disappointed with their lives. The 3 of them (and a nephew of one of them) go away for a weekend to their old school-break stomping grounds, a ski resort that brings back the happiest of memories to try to recapture camaraderie and good times. At the hotel, out on the deck is a...can you guess? Yes, a hot tub! They get it in, get drunk, things go awry, and WHAM, they are transported to the same day albeit 20 years ago. There they try to change nothing (after all, we all know from movies like Back to the Future, and Peggy Sue Got Married etc, that you shouldn't change anything!) Easier said than done and these almost middle-aged men have their own type of coming-of-age experiences. Lots of laughs to go around. Here are few things that stuck out for me:

When do Oscar nominations come out?
I really dug the casting. I liked the irony of John Cusack, an icon of 80's film, being sent to the 80's and hating everything about that decade. There was a quirky performance by Crispin Glover (when is he not quirky?) but the stand out performance was The Daily Show alumni Rob Corddry. Did you know he was actually in Old School? But if he had any lines (he was one of the pledging frat brothers), they must be on the editing floor. But in this film, he really comes into his own and gets the majority of the funniest lines. His character, Lou, is such a loser, so objectionable at every level, yet you still find yourself somehow rooting for him. And that's testament to Rob's acting chops. And only you true 80's spawn will possibly recognize Billy Zabka (the bad kid from The Karate Kid) in a small but juicy role as a rather slimey, used-car salesman type guy.

 Rob Corddry shining as Lou.
What's in a song, anyway?
I giggled at the beginning of every scene, I kid you not! Yes, the day-glo ski outfits, big hair and heavy make up were funny. But it was the soundtrack that had me in stitches! When was the last time I heard Scritti Politti, for goodness sakes? But don't be fooled, it's not just 80's music. Craig Ferguson's character, Nick Webber, performs the Black Eyed Peas' hit "Let's Get it Started" telling them they'll like it in the future (can you say Marty McFly?) The music was key to the mood and mindset of this film and I'll leave it there except to say I am currently downloading Motley Crue's "Home Sweet Home" as I type.

You dropped the ("F") Bomb on me!
What does this film have in common with The Big Lebowski and Pulp Fiction? This movie could be called "Effing Hot Tub Effing Time Effing Machine". Don't get me wrong, I'm not offended by bad language. But I am saying that the 15 rating the film has (for offensive language) is warranted. If there could be a rating such as "15-PLUS", this film would warrant that as well. Having said they aren't that creative with the swear word choices, it's pretty much just "F&$%!"

I's an easy to watch and funny movie, though it would probably make an easy transition from funny to hilarious if the movie-watcher was enjoying a cold drink or two!

Watch the trailer HERE.  

Images courtesy of: 

See you on Twitter! @whatvalthinks.


  1. You are doing a great service to the film making community. I saw the trailer and had no desire to see this becuase it seemed like it would be dumb. However... you have just inspired me to see it (probably on DVD) :)

  2. I laughed a few times when I watched the film. Then the next day I was sharing parts of the movie with friends. Next thing I know I am recommending it. So I watched again with some friends and LMAO. Motley Drew!!!!
