Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes, according to Rotten Tomatoes has a 69% on the Tomatometer. I'd heard it had good action, fun performances, was a bit spastic and there was that supposed homo-erotic subtext between Holmes and Watson. And I suppose I can now think about the movie and identify all of those things, but during the film I was just in pure enjoyment. If you've ever watched The Mentalist, Monk or Psych, you'll enjoy how Holmes solves all the mysteries (small and large). Set in 19th century London, I was struck by how vividly the city was portrayed. It seemed so real, it felt as if you were right there in the boom of the industrial revolution and Victorian era. However, at the end of the movie when they're in the sewers of the Houses of Parliament to suddenly pop up at Tower Bridge (under construction), I turned to Sarah and said, "ummm, they're not exactly next to each other in real life!" to which she giggled and agreed. You have to get on the tube, take a bus or walk over a good 90 minutes to get from one to the other!

I will also tell you the only thing that niggled at me is how the villain struck me as Stanley Tucci but yet his voice was different. And this villain was kind of sexy, in a Imotep-in-The-Mummy-sexy. I could've sworn it was him and I was distracted on occasion thinking "but how did they alter his voice?" It wasn't until credits rolled that I read it wasn't Stanley Tucci at all, but it was Mark Strong. I was way off! I remember being as adamant that the actor who played Mouse in The Matrix was a kid I had gone to elementary school with in Canada named Keiran. And I made my boyfriend wait until every credit had rolled...and alas, it wasn't him...unless he changed his name....but the likelihood is that I am just not as good at recognizing actors as I would like to think.
Watch trailer HERE.

I think...I definitely recommend it and would suggest you see it while in theaters or on a big TV at home once it's on DVD. Good times!
See you on Twitter! @whatvalthinks.

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